Download Unrealircd Source
tar -zxvf Unreal3.2.8.1.tar.gz
cd Unreal3.2
We are now ready to install UnrealIRCd. Switch back to the account that you will be installing UnrealIRCd on, and navigate to the Unreal3.2folder. Type:
Read the information it gives you. At the end, press enter again and you will be brought to the first question. The first question is:
Do you want to enable the server anti-spoof protection?
It is a good idea to enable this, just in case. The default answer is No, but just type "Yes" and press Enter.
What directory are all the server configuration files in?
Keep the default answer for this question.
What is the path to the ircd binary including the name of the binary?
Keep the default answer for this question.
Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf?
If you are planning on linking to a network, type in Leaf and press Enter. If your server is going to be standalone or will be the hub for other servers to link to, just press Enter.
What is the hostname of the server running your IRCd?
Keep the default answer for this question.
What should the default permissions for your configuration files be?
Keep the default answer for this question.
Do you want to support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections?
If you elected to install the SSL libraries above, type Yes and press Enter. Otherwise, keep the default value and press Enter.
If the answer to the above question was Yes, this question will pop up:
If you know the path to OpenSSL on your system, enter it here. If not leave this blank
Press Enter.
Do you want to enable IPv6 support?
If you want BNCs that are using IPv6 to connect to your server, type Yes and press enter. Otherwise, keep the default value and press Enter.
Do you want to enable ziplinks support?
If you want ziplinks support, type Yes and press Enter. Otherwise, keep the default value and press Enter.
If the answer to the above question was Yes, this question will pop up:
If you know the path to zlib on your system, enter it here. If not leave this blank.
Leave it blank and press Enter.
Do you want to enable remote includes?
If you are planning on using remote includes, type Yes and press Enter. Otherwise, keep the default value and press Enter.
If the answer to the above question was Yes, this question will pop up:
Specify the directory you installed libcurl to
You cannot skip this question. Type /usr then press Enter.
Do you want to enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner?
This usually boils down to personal preference. Either keep Yes or type No and press Enter.
What listen() backlog value do you wish to use?
Just press Enter.
How far back do you want to keep the nickname history?
Just press Enter.
What is the maximum sendq length you wish to have?
Just press Enter.
How many buffer pools would you like?
Just press Enter.
How many file descriptors (or sockets) can the IRCd use?
Just press Enter.
Would you like any more parameters to configure?
Just press Enter.
After the series of questions above, UnrealIRCd will be configured.
Download here A sample Configuration and Edit IT.
Click here.
Running UnrealIRCd
After confirming that unrealircd.conf is in the main Unreal3.2 directory, run UnrealIRCd by navigating to the Unreal3.2 folder (Example: If yourUnreal3.2 folder is in the home folder for a user named unrealserver, you could type cd /home/unrealserver/Unreal3.2) then typing:
./unreal start
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